Saturday, July 3, 2021

Dowsing rods

Dowsing rods have gained popularity in recent years as people purport to use them to find water, ghosts, and everything in between! They are mainly used to find water and for spiritual communication. Although some people think it is ridiculous to use a divining rod, there are many testimonies on how successful dowsing rods can be.

Dowsing rods are actually tools that people have used for hundreds of years. They were first crafted by the ancient Etruscans, who used it to locate underground water and communicate with the spirit world. (Most archaeologists believe that the Etruscans are the originators of astrology, making dowsing rods an important part of their belief system.)

Dowsing rods have been used by many cultures around the world because they supposedly "feel" where water is located. It has been around for centuries and is often still used in modern times. This article will go over the various uses of dowsing and offer tips on how to make it work better!

The first step to using a divination rod as intended; get your mind out of the gutter. Although we’re not talking about those rods, we’re talking about dowsing rods. Dowsing is an ancient way of finding traces of water, minerals. The dowser uses the rod as an extension of their body while seeking signs. It is used to respond to changes in energies and changes in conductivity such as water.

Dowsing rods

Basically, a dowser "pokes" where they think there might be something and responds to or "listens" for a response from an invisible energy source. If the rod responds with movement, the dowser will then stop searching and will feel a confirmation of what they thought was real. This is why people are often so adamant that dowsing works! It IS a psychic experience, and therefore people on the outside of it find it difficult to believe.

It is said that even the Bible mentions dowsing rods: "Danger! Danger! Draw water and fill the bottle" (Proverbs 20:22). In this verse, water was being sought for hiding treasures. The word "draw" is used to pull in or extract something. This means that in ancient times, dowsing rods were used to extract mineral resources from a place rather than looking for an actual source of water. These rods helped people get what they needed… or treasure.

However, dowsing rods are not just for use in ancient times. They can be used for all manner of things, especially to find water. Here are a few uses of the dowsing rod:

Water/Money/Spirituality: Many people consult the dowser when looking for water. The most common way a person will go about looking for water is using a divining rod as they walk around their property. It helps them look at different places and focus more on areas that may be dry or non-existent. A person may also use the rod to “extract” water from the ground.

However, not everyone is interested in using dowsing rods to find water. Some people use them for other things such as looking for buried treasure, looking for spiritual items, or even searching for energy in a room. Whatever they are used for, divining rods can help you search out specific energies and even find what you need!

Using dowsing rods for spiritual communication. Dowsing rods are also used to converse with spirits and even find out where certain spirits reside. This way, you aren’t just searching for water, but also the spiritual side of things. Many people like to use divining rods to make sure their house is “ghost-free” or even find out what spirits are around them.

There are some who use the rods not only for spiritual connection but also for more mundane, day-to-day things as well. For example, you can use the rods to tell if energy is out of balance in a room, if someone is lying to you, or even answer questions that you have. Some people use divining rods to help them find their lost items, to know if there is any energy around that isn’t positive, or even to tell them where their pets are (especially when they run away). Dowsing rods can tell you anything that you want to know it seems.

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