Sunday, July 4, 2021


What are demons you might be wondering? Do you want to go ghost hunting? Stay tuned and listen up, because if your unlucky you might bump into a demon one night.

In this post, I am going to teach you what they are and how you can tell if one is near. You'll also learn how to protect yourself from these pesky little monsters. So, let's get started! In the dictionary, demons are described as: "An evil spirit or devil; an agent of punishment sent by Satan to tempt human beings". But there are many different types of these creatures. In the past, people used to believe that certain places were haunted and demons lived inside of them. Today, we know that there is absolutely nothing to it, most of the time. Demons are not real, or are they? Nevertheless, I think it would be fun to ghost hunt around a little bit every once in a while.

Demons are said to be really smart evil beings. They can use magic, and they have the power to do many great things. Some can even change their shape to look like an animal or even another person. Demons are really bad though, and if you don't treat them with respect, they will hurt you in some way. The most common way that they hurt people is to send them nightmares or make them get sick, but not always. They can also throw you across a room, tip over your furniture, and even strangle you. 


Just like humans, demons have their own personalities. When these evil spirits taunt people they try to scare them out of their minds by using what looks like real magic tricks such as flying across the room or just disappearing in thin air. Some demons are very mischievous but most of them want to harm people in some way. There are many different types of demons, and it's hard to tell which ones will come after you until they actually do.

In the bible, demons are scary creatures that live in the underworld and most of them serve the devil. They are also referred to as evil spirits. The bible says they will come after you because you have sinned. Demons also hate God and don't want him to be happy, so they do whatever they can to make people lose faith in him. They are tricky and hard to get rid of, but it is possible with Jesus Christ's help.

There are many different ways to tell if a demon might be near you or might have entered your body. Some of the signs of a demon are unexplained sickness, bad dreams, and spiritual attacks. All these things can mean that a demon is nearby and trying to get you. If you see any of these signs in your life, make sure to be safe so that you don't become a victim.

For example, if you are having bad dreams then that would probably mean that there is someone planning to harm your soul inside your body, so be careful when sleeping at night. Also, if you start feeling sick or if you experience strange symptoms then this might also be evidence of demons nearby. Lastly, if you find that items around your house are being moved or if someone touched you then it's likely that there is a spirit around.

Protection is something that is very important when dealing with demons. Jesus Christ can help protect you from them so make sure to read your bible and pray every day. If you have any fetishes or things that provoke demons such as Ouija boards, then you should get rid of them immediately because they are dangerous objects that will attract demons to your house. 

There are a lot of old stories about ghost hunting and paranormal activity which can be really exciting if you believe them. Some people have had experiences where they have seen ghosts or demons. I've even caught a glimpse of a ghost myself once when I was younger. It was on the way home from school, and it happened so fast that I wasn't sure what I had seen at first. It was dark outside, and there was an old house next to the road with no lights on. so that you can keep yourself safe during an attack by a demon.

The first thing to remember if there is a being attacking you is that it can't hurt you. It only has power over your body, which means that it can only do so much to try and scare you. Demons are so scared of God that they will run away when they see him. So, don't be afraid of the attacks and instead use this fear to call upon Jesus Christ's name and use his protection.

The second tip I have for anyone who thinks there might be demons around them is to stay calm. If you are panicking then the demon will feed off of this energy and become stronger, so just be calm at all times. Also, if you are with a group of people and they are panicking as well, then it will probably make things worse. Demon attacks can be very scary, but don't be afraid of what the demon might do to you. If he wants to hurt you then use Jesus Christ's name and command it to leave your body. If he tries to scare you or touch you then just say "leave me alone!"

The bible says that demons are evil spirits who want nothing more than to destroy your life for the fun of it. They like to cause trouble and scare people out of their minds so that they can have fun doing something evil.

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